FinexBox is a P2P crypto-products trading platform.
FinexBox and the mobile apps issued under FinexBox are wholly owned and operated by subsidiary company of FINEXBOX GROUP LIMITED,(no relationship with BITMEX), a Republic of Seychelles incorporated entity or its relevant authorized affiliates.
company no. 209244
Cryptocurrency charts by TradingView.
China Company Registe ID: 91440101MA5CKE1N94
United Kingdom Company number 11673783
The founding team at FinexBox consists of best-of-class professionals in finance, web development, and high-frequency algorithmic trading.
The FinexBox blockchain asset trading platform is registered in the Republic of Seychelles, headquartered in Singapore. It now has been conducting blockchain business operations around the world. In addition, it also serves as a coin-to-coin trading platform geared to global market. This company obtained angel round financing worth $8 million from American financial investment company in October 2017. The 32 team members of the company have successfully completed the development and launch of the trading platform within 8 months. Our company is committed to providing a stable, safe and efficient matchmaking trading system to global customers. Relying on advanced technology and good stability and reliability of MG background management, 24-hour online transaction guidance and service have been launched
Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer - Dennis Smith
After graduating with a degree in economics from the Wharton School of Business, Dennis lived in Hong Kong as an equity derivatives trader. Dennis brings a deep understanding of how to structure and trade financial derivatives.
Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer - Lun Bao
A hands on technology leader with 20 years of experience in building large scale infrastructure and transaction platforms, cloud platform, mobile and web applications and SaaS applications. Expertise in enterprise architecture, cloud computing, big data technologies, commerce, payment and risk management platforms, digital marketing, social platform and supply chain management. Familiar with both US and China internet business markets, engineering and management cultures. Fluent in both English and Chinese
The FinexBox区块链资产交易所注册在塞舌尔共和国,总部位于新加坡,已在全球范围内进行区块链商业运营。公司于2017年10月获得美国金融投资公司800万美元天使轮融资。公司32位团队成员历时8个月成功完成交易平台的开发并成功上线,我们致力向全球客户提供稳定、安全、高效的撮合交易系统。MG后台管理先进的技术和良好的稳定性与可靠性,推出24小时在线交易指导与服务。
FinexBox的创始人团队由金融、web 开发和高频算法交易领域最优秀的专家组成。
联合创始人兼首席执行官 - Dennis Smith
Dennis 毕业于沃顿商学院经济学专业,毕业后在香港从事股票衍生品交易员工作。 Dennis 对于如何构建和交易金融衍生品有着深刻的理解。
联合创始人兼首席技术官 - Lun Bao
鲍先生有着20多年的互联网研发经历,曾经历任美国eBay、PayPal、Aerohive Network等知名互联网公司要职,在美国硅谷和大陆有非常资深的技术研发管理经验,在互联网领域属于科学家级人物。负责企业架构、基础架构、云平台、开放平台、风控平台等工作,主导了唯品会新一代技术平台的开发, 做出了重大的贡献。